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Windows OS Worlds and other software
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If you own a Windows 3.1, 95, 98 or NT system, then these worlds and tools are for you. Almost all software to do with virtual worlds runs on some version of Windows. This section is a guide to the software for your particular variety. If you own a Macintosh then check out the MacOS worlds and other software.

If you have a Windows 3.1 PC* you can use:

If you have a Windows 95/98 or NT PC* you can use:

*Note that most of the worlds software that runs under Windows 3.1 and Windows 95 will run under Windows NT and the upcoming Windows 98, but you should check the installation guidelines for each application. Note also that Windows emulation systems on the Macintosh, OS/2 or Unix/X-Windows may be able to run some of this software.

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