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Welcome to Ratava's Line
[Holly Dayinn] sounds like a cool movie!!! is it about animals?
[Ian] That's the one - I worked on that set!
[Ana Winter] Holly.. would you like to discuss your sudden interest in food?
[Holly Dayinn] I love animals
[Holly Dayinn] no...
[Ian] Baby animals is more like it!
[Holly Dayinn] I have no idea what you're talking about misster
[Bruce Damer (Digi)] VPanim2
[Ian] Damn - much better.
[Holly Dayinn] I always wanted to be a veterinarian, because I love children!
[Ana Winter] Really...Mr. baby animals... who designed that "unique" ensemble you are wearing?
[Ian] eh - I just forgot to put my tux on.
[Bruce Damer (Digi)] hey someone put on leon ok?
[Igorr] igorr is back ladies
[Holly Dayinn] big woopie!!
[Igorr] ladies want my
[Holly Dayinn] I eat everything I please, like yesterday, I had a full olive, can ya'll believe that? And my agent didn't even make throw it up...
[Igorr] body
[Ben -SFU] VPanim4
[Ben -SFU] VPanim4
[Ben -SFU] VPanim3
[Ben -SFU] VPanim3
[Ben -SFU] VPanim3
[Ben -SFU] VPanim3
[Ben -SFU] VPanim5
[Ben -SFU] VPanim5
[Ben -SFU] VPanim5
[Ben -SFU] VPanim6
[Igorr] how does everyone like my new look
[Ben -SFU] VPanim7
[Ben -SFU] VPanim7
[Igorr] i love it
[Ben -SFU] VPanim2
[Ben -SFU] VPanim4
[Ben -SFU] VPanim4
[Ben -SFU] VPanim4
[Ben -SFU] VPanim4
[Ben -SFU] VPanim4
[Igorr] check out igorr's pants...there great
[Bruce Damer (Digi)] guys can someone put on leon?
[Igorr] igorr doesn't know leon but he sounds ugly
[Igorr] unlike igorr
[Bruce Damer (Digi)] we need to shoot a shot here
[Igorr] shoot igorr
[Igorr] with your camera that is
[Igorr] igorr is happy with his new hair cut
[Holly Dayinn] I eat everything I please, like yesterday, I had a full olive, can ya'll believe that? And my agent didn't even make throw it up...
[Igorr] igorr like media
[Leon (Ian)] Bruce - where are you?
[Holly Dayinn] Have you guys ever finished a whole can of soda? Oh my gosh! I had 4 sips and I felt so fat...
[Igorr] take a shot of igorr for the magazines
[Igorr] im standing on the stage....look at me
[Igorr] hi ladies
[erika] hi big boy
[Bruce Damer (Digi)] who is this standing near me
[Igorr] thats right.....igorr is a big boy
[Bruce Damer (Digi)] hollydayan
[Igorr] where you goin sweetie
[Holly Dayinn] hiya!!
[Igorr] holly come to igorr
[Leon (Ian)] Purple hair?
[erika] the one with the purple hair is 'melisaa'
[erika] i'm going to the bar...
[Holly Dayinn] good luck erika!!!
[Holly Dayinn] My favorite thing in the whole wide world is animals.. I mean, ya'll, who doesn't like animals!!! Kitties are so cudly and cute, I had a kitty-kat once named merla.. we were the best of friends!
[Dorothy] hey holly
[erika] are just too sweet
[Holly Dayinn] thanks thanks, hehehehe
[Holly Dayinn] Holly is such a pretty name, don't ya'll think so!!
[Jeremy-Av.T] hihi
[SFU-Brad] hey!
[Jeremy-Av.T] hi Bruce!
[Holly Dayinn] I always wanted to be a veterinarian, because I love children!
[Dorothy] does it a matter ?
[Jeremy-Av.T] hi everyone!
[Holly Dayinn] Have you guys ever finished a whole can of soda? Oh my gosh! I had 4 sips and I felt so fat...
[Jeremy-Av.T] in SFU & FIT
[Igorr] igorr is back....make room
[Igorr] look at me...i look great
[Igorr] love that my face is on my shirt...thats why its my favorite
[Igorr] im the sexy guy on the stage
[Igorr] i have to go to the bathroom ill be back...
[erika] i'm here in world too!!
[Holly Dayinn] Holly is such a pretty name, don't ya'll think so!!
[erika] hi holly
[Holly Dayinn] hi hi hi! hehehe
[Jeremy-Av.T] hihi
[erika] how's modeling going?
[Holly Dayinn] I love it!! its so fun.. have you ever modelled??!
[erika] nope...
[Jeremy-Av.T] :D
[Holly Dayinn] My favorite thing in the whole wide world is animals.. I mean, ya'll, who doesn't like animals!!! Kitties are so cudly and cute, I had a kitty-kat once named merla.. we were the best of friends!
[erika] merla... what kind of name is that??
[erika] nice socks by the way
[Holly Dayinn] thanks!!!
[Holly Dayinn] I love animals, they are so neat and fancy, espicially owls..their eyes are cool!
[Igorr] igorrs back
[Holly Dayinn] oh hey igor~~
[Igorr] you want an autograph
[Holly Dayinn] Have you guys ever finished a whole can of soda? Oh my gosh! I had 4 sips and I felt so fat...
[Igorr] ill sign your soda can
[Igorr] look at my pants everyone
[Holly Dayinn] right...
[Holly Dayinn] Holly is such a pretty name, don't ya'll think so!!
[Igorr] no
[Igorr] igorr is
[Igorr] no one has muscle like igorr
[Igorr] just look at them
[Igorr] ladies come look at igorr
[Igorr] ill flex for you
[Holly Dayinn] I eat everything I please, like yesterday, I had a full olive, can ya'll believe that? And my agent didn't even make throw it up...
[Jeremy-Av.T] hi everyone, come look at the big red dress model, she is cool~!
[Igorr] check out my moon walk
[Holly Dayinn] I always wanted to be a veterinarian, because I love children!
[Igorr] finally igorr is here to look at
[Dorothy] Igorr!!
[Igorr] don't worry ladies im comin
[Holly Dayinn] I love animals, they are so neat and fancy, espicially owls..their eyes are cool!
[Igorr] ok im now free for autographs
[Dorothy] can i have two ?
[Igorr] no your lucky if you get one!
[Dorothy] i need to get one for my sis
[Igorr] look at how sexy i am
[Holly Dayinn] Holly is such a pretty name, don't ya'll think so!!
[Igorr] no too bad
[Igorr] only one
[Dorothy] how about i pay uthousand bucks ?
[Igorr] i don't want my hands to get tired
[Igorr] no
[Holly Dayinn] I always wanted to be a veterinarian, because I love children!
[Dorothy] y ?
[Igorr] dollars mean nothing to already rich
[Jeremy-Av.T] hi
[Holly Dayinn] I eat everything I please, like yesterday, I had a full olive, can ya'll believe that? And my agent didn't even make throw it up...
[Jeremy-Av.T] :D i'm from Avatar Team
[Dorothy] wait for me
[Lorenzo] hi Bruce & Galen
[Holly Dayinn] I love animals, they are so neat and fancy, espicially owls..their eyes are cool!
[Dorothy] Hi everyone!
[Jeremy-Av.T] Hi! Do you have the Collisions & Gravity ON?
[naomi] hi
[Lorenzo] hello naomi
[naomi] hi how r u?
[Lorenzo] great ... out here in sunny California :-)
[naomi] ahh must be nice
[SFU-Brad] rain is pretty nice :P
[Lorenzo] it tis
[naomi] yeah rain isnt too bad either heh
[Lorenzo] we can use a LOT of rain in San Diego right now
[SFU-Brad] Hi Bruce!
[erika] Hi Bruce!
[naomi] yeah a lil dry there
[Lorenzo] you in NYC?
[SFU-Brad] Vancouver
[naomi] nope im in vancouver
[erika] who here is from NY?
[Lorenzo] vancouver rules!!! ... wish i was there
[SFU-Brad] :) yay for rain!
[erika] go canucks go!!!
[naomi] totally d=)
[erika] whhhhoooooo
[erika] going all the way!!
[Dorothy] : )
[Lorenzo] gotta go ... will be back later
[SFU-Brad] bye!
[erika] see ya
[Leon (Ian)] We need some Madonna!
[naomi] who is the lil man ?
[Leon (Ian)] Yea Owen and Erika!
[Leon (Ian)] And Brad!!!
[erika] i actually like the new christina song
[erika] which is weird for me
[Leon (Ian)] Love that song! and the video is amazing!
[erika] it's so gothic
[Leon (Ian)] totally - very avante garde
[Dorothy] hey everyone
[Bruce Damer (Digi)] hey guys
[Stu] Hi
[tester] brad?
[steve dipaola] hi all
[Bruce Damer (Digi)] hey guys we are back
[Bruce Damer (Digi)] sorry i couldnt be here, this PC was displayed on screen ;)
[Bruce Damer (Digi)] steve you there?


Evening performance



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[Ana Winter] VPanim3
[Bruce Damer (Digi)] AND the future of the wave.
[Igorr] but atleast i look great
[Igorr] VPanim5
[Ana Winter] I do love surfing those waves. Ratava is riding a powerful one I hear.
[Igorr] VPanim5
[Bruce Damer (Digi)] Holly? She is looking a litte....well....preggars, isn't she?
Welcome to Ratava's Line
[Ana Winter] Really? Tell me more
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[Bruce Damer (Digi)] OR did you have something else in mind?
[Ana Winter] Two, if you like. Just give me the dirt darling.
[Bruce Damer (Digi)] And DO tell me about your Met show, Ana?
[Igorr] anyone look for Ratava upstairs yet?
Welcome to Ratava's Line
[Ana Winter] Upstairs?
[Bruce Damer (Digi)] Upstairs? There's an upstairs?
[Igorr] hello little blue man
[Igorr] im the famous igorr
[Bruce Damer (Digi)] And exactly WHAT are you famous for, Igor?
[Igorr] you probably already know that
[Bruce Damer (Digi)] And does it have anything to do with Holly?
[Igorr] what arn't i famous for is the question
[Simon] cheeky fellow
[Ana Winter] Igorr is famous for his shirt. Hahah
[Bruce Damer (Digi)] Well I guess you're not famous for your modesty.
[Igorr] yes because my face is on it
[Igorr] and i look great in these pants
[Ana Winter] It's a nice face too.
[Igorr] yes i know
[Bruce Damer (Digi)] HELLLLLO
[Ana Winter] They're so blue.
[Igorr] and tight
[Ana Winter] Oh my.
[DaveR] G'day
[Simon] ojd?!
[Igorr] kinda sweaty though
[Igorr] who wants an autographed photo of myself
[Igorr] actually....I do!
[Simon] nej tack
[Bruce Damer (Digi)] hello smerf
[Ana Winter] Hello all.
[Igorr] whats up Ana
[Igorr] your looking great
[Ana Winter] Igorr? I'm looking for Ratava.
[Igorr] try upstairs
[Igorr] he didn't invite me to watch the show with him
[Ana Winter] How do I get upstairs?
[Igorr] ill point
[DaveR] Hey Bruce we made it :-)
[Ana Winter] Oh thank you. That's some nice pointing you did.
[Igorr] check out my moonwalk
[Bruce Damer (Digi)] ana David fears you
[Ana Winter] Oh wow. Igorr.
[Igorr] ya i know
[Bruce Damer (Digi)] he thinks you are very into your work
[Ana Winter] Fear me? But why?
[Igorr] i fear how great i look sometimes
[Ana Winter] Well, you know Pose-Ah enjoys quality work.
[Bruce Damer (Digi)] you give him bad reviews and your evil
[Ana Winter] Me? Why how dare you? If I wrote a bad review it's because it was deserved.
[Igorr] im bad all the time....
[Ana Winter] Perhaps you should be happy that I wrote such constructive criticism about your desing.
[Bruce Damer (Digi)] bad igor bad, ana made david cry...
[Igorr] moonwalk will make him cry
[Bruce Damer (Digi)] who are you
[Igorr] im igorr
[Igorr] the best looking man in the world
[Bruce Damer (Digi)] the business guy?
[Ana Winter] I'm Ana Winter. I work for Pose-Ah magazine. Would anybody like my card?
[Igorr] my business is to look this good all day long
[Igorr] hello there
[Bruce Damer (Digi)] smile
[Igorr] im the famous igorr....but you probably already know that
[Ana Winter] If anyone one finds Ratava please tell him that Ana Winter from Pose-Ah is looking for him.
[Igorr] try looking upstairs
[Bruce Damer (Digi)] why do you have such a big ego
[Ana Winter] Could you point again Igorr. Do be a sweatheart.
[Igorr] because i can
[Igorr] you would too if you looked like me
[Igorr] k
[Bruce Damer (Digi)] OH YEAH!!!!
[Ana Winter] How's everybody doing?
[Igorr] who else could wear pants like this and get away with it
[Bruce Damer (Digi)] Im really a woman
[Ana Winter] Have you seen Ratava, little eye thingy.
[Igorr] check upstairs
[Ana Winter] Igorr, how can I access the upstairs.
[Igorr] u want an autograph
[Igorr] ill point for you
[Igorr] hey ladies
[Ana Winter] Nice hat. It would look great in the cover of Pose-Ah
[Igorr] im igorr
[Igorr] you should know me from my teeth whitening incedent
[Bruce Damer (Digi)] hello holly
[DaveR] hummm I seem to have lost my avatar
[Bruce Damer (Digi)] what are you
[Ana Winter] I hear Ratava has a thing for Holly Day Inn.
[Igorr] here comes a crazy moonwalk.....
[Bruce Damer (Digi)] twins?
[DaveR] I should be the bluedude
[DaveR] ack fog kicked in
[Bruce Damer (Digi)] are you a smurf?
[Igorr] who wants a picture with igorr?
[DaveR] a smurf ?
[Ana Winter] Hello there, I really love the color blue. I hear Ratava also likes it. Where is that sneaky designer.
[Bruce Damer (Digi)] blue?
[Igorr] like my pants
[Bruce Damer (Digi)] nice pants bad model
[Ana Winter] Yes, Igorr like your pants. I think you should do something about that shirt, though.
[Host with the Most] Ana - welcome - glad you could come!
[Igorr] must be mistaken
[Ana Winter] Hello
[Igorr] i make these pants look good
[Igorr] the shirt is the best part
[Ana Winter] The shirt is alright. Better than many designs I've seen.
[Ana Winter] Did you know that Ratava is not his real name?
[Igorr] of course....because my face is on it
[Igorr] look for Ratava upstairs
[Ana Winter] Upstairs? Of course!
[Ana Winter] If you click on the images you find more information on these designs.
[Ana Winter] lovely moonwalk Igorr
[Igorr] thanks
[Ana Winter] Is there a bar around here?
[Igorr] How do you like my new look?
[Ana Winter] Your new look? Didn't you wear that shirt in the last show?
[Igorr] Yes....I can give you one? Do you want?
[Ana Winter] Thanks Igorr, but I'
[Igorr] Here's a photo of me for you!
[Ana Winter] But I'll pass.
[Bruce Damer (Digi)] Please identify yourself, oh big eye
[Igorr] Oh fine, I'll give you an autograph!
[Ana Winter] An autograph? Do you know who I am, Igorr?
[Ana Winter] I'm Ana Winter from Pose-Ah magazine.
[Big AL] Big Al is the Big Eye...
[Ana Winter] I'm looking for Ratava.
[Bruce Damer (Digi)] you are on screen al
[Bruce Damer (Digi)] Other users are confronting the eye
[Big AL] cool!
[Igorr] Oooooo~! Can you believe Ratava didn't even invite me to watch the show with him?
[Bruce Damer (Digi)] ok guys lets go to the secret room
[Big AL] John Graham is about to join
[Ana Winter] Secret room?
[Bruce Damer (Digi)] wow
[Bruce Damer (Digi)]
[Bruce Damer (Digi)] join us here
[Bruce Damer (Digi)] at the secret
[Ana Winter] Oh that Ratava is so elusive. Only Holly has direct access to him, if you know what I mean.
[Bruce Damer (Digi)] secret chamers.. oooo oooo
[Bruce Damer (Digi)] or teleport there
[Bruce Damer (Digi)] if you dont know where it is
[Bruce Damer (Digi)] or copy and paste this into your address bar
[Bruce Damer (Digi)]
[Ana Winter] Oh Bruce...that's wonderful!
[Ana Winter] Were you aware that Ratava is not his real name?
[Ana Winter] Hello!
[Ana Winter] Where is Ratava?
[Igorr] How do you like my new look?
[kansas] you like my out fit....
[Host with the Most] keep dancing igor
[Host with the Most] moveit.....moveit
[Igorr] Here's a photo of me for you!
[Igorr] Oh fine, I'll give you an autograph!
[c\V/1Z/-\R|)] how do I get out of the woater???
[c\V/1Z/-\R|)] water
[Bruce Damer (Digi)] we are back
[Host with the Most] Hey Igor
[Bruce Damer (Digi)] guys where is the bar world?
[Ana Winter] One of these two portals lead to it.
[Host with the Most] who are you?
[Ana Winter] That's the one.
[Ana Winter] Everybody knows Ratava is not his real name.
[Ana Winter] Host, I'm Ana Winter, famous journalist for Pose-Ah magazine.
[Ana Winter] Igorr, you're still wearing that shirt?
[mike] How are you?
[mike] Yes, I am I like the shirt
[Ana Winter] Mike, I'm fabolous. Looking for that sneaky designer, Ratava (Not his real name you know.)
[mike] Where are you going?
[mike] Hi Ana!
[Ana Winter] Hi hi Mike!
[Ana Winter] Are you a fan of my articles for Pose-Ah? Oh, how I love getting dirt on everyone.
[Igorr] Can you believe Ratava didn't even invite me to watch the show with him?
[Ana Winter] Maybe you shouldn't wear that shirt too much, Igorr.
[Ana Winter] It's a design faux pas.
[Ana Winter] You look lovely.
[Ana Winter] Ah, how's everybody doing tonight?
[Holly Dayinn] Hey Hey
[Holly Dayinn] Hey Ana
[Ana Winter] Holly darling! Where is Ratava? I hear you and him...
[Ana Winter] Nice hat!
[Igorr] How do you like my new look?
[Igorr] Here's a photo of me for you!
[Ana Winter] Hello good looking
[Host with the Most] That MUST be for me
[Ana Winter] That's me!
[Ana Winter] cool parrot
[Host with the Most] yeah...I know
[Ana Winter] hello
[Holly Dayinn] HI
[Host with the Most] What's with the chick in the floor?
[Ana Winter] Chick? Darling, you're so rude. I should write an article on you.
[Igorr] How do you like my new look?
[Ana Winter] Igorr's got the pants. Watch out.
[Igorr] :D
[Igorr] Here's a photo of me for you!
[digi (bruce damer)] good nite guys
[digi (bruce damer)] good nite guys