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Atmosphere Player an embedded plug-in for
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to enable the creation of Atmosphere content.
Collaboration Server a publicly available server which offers messaging
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AVATARS 2004: AvaMars Design Competition Fantastic 3D Visions of Mars Past and Future click here for details!
This months featured Atmosphere Environment from the Atmospherians Directory |
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The dark and foreboding Emperor from Star Wars by Lace.
Take a look in the Atmospherians Directory Avatar section to see other fantastic Star Wars avatars by Lace.
This months featured object is a cosy Sussex House from Daniel Presedo. Download this object for your environment, textures are included.
NASA's Mars Exploration Rovers (MER) are scheduled to land at two points on the surface of Mars in the month of January 2004. (The first of which has now landed and begun to transmit and rove the Red Planet)n late 2002 Digital Space began to develop 3D web-based environments in Adobe Atmosphere to illustrate how online visitors could drive a virtual vehicle similar to the MER rover over a simulated Mars terrain. The Digital Space team created the DriveOnMars site to present the results of this work for education and public outreach. If you are running a Windows PC with Internet Explorer 5.0 or higher and ActiveX components enabled, you can visit several of these virtual Martian locales and drive the rover over them. |
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Why it’s hot?
The attendees at a certain long-ago Seybold conference may remember when PowerPoint made its debut. We predict that Atmosphere will have every bit as great an impact on how information is communicated.
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