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Book Jacket Bios

Bio of Bruce Damer

Bruce Damer co-founded the Contact Consortium, a global forum dedicated to virtual worlds on the Internet. Bruce travels the Earth talking about avatars, virtual communities and other strange things happening on the digital terra firma. When he is not holed up writing in his cabin in the Northern California Redwoods, Bruce is out spinning projects in everything from Paleontology to Hollywood new media.

Bruce Damer's Avatar Persona

Bruce Damer's alter-ego in Cyberspace is DigiGardener, a virtual Johnny Appleseed out to sow the seeds of the new Cyberspace. Captain Digi, as he is affectionately known, pilots the good ship *Avatar* (italics) taking you on your journey to the new worlds of digital space.

© Copyright Bruce Damer, 1997, All rights reserved.
