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Read the rave reviews of Avatars 97
New 1998 events posted: Stay abreast! Visit the Virtual Worlds Events Page regularly and Sign up on the CCON-NEWS mailing list!
January 1998: Bruce Damer's book Avatars! was recommended by amazon.com as a top Internet book read for 1997!
December 9, 1997: MTV and Intel to feature Avatar Worlds working with CyGaia and Traveler.
November 17, 1997: Tower Records uses NTT's Interspace store clerk and shopper Avatars to support on-line customers
November 11, 1997: Avatar tops Wired Magazine's hype-list
October 1997-February 1998: Win a world! Join in the TheU/SRT virtual architecture competition
October 27, 1997: The Palace provides customer support avatars in Egghead Software's virtual stores
October 22-24, 1997: The second annual conference of the Contact Consortium, Avatars 97 was held in San Francisco, read the reviews here!
October 22, 1997: Electric Communities, NTT, Blaxxun, Microsoft and others make announcements at avatars 97
October 17, 1997: ZKM museum opens D3 project online in Germany and in Cyberspace with Avatar-Docents and gallery visitors built by Construct.
October 14, 1997: VRML has promise, but when will it be practical? CNNin story by David Peskovitz
October 13, 1997: RAD Tool Finds Business Apps For VR Developers can create 3-D, interactive sites
August 4, 1997: AvatarMaker Launched! by Sven Technologies
August 1, 1997: 3D Assistant Launched! by 3D Planet
June 1, 1997: Cyberpark to be launched later in 1997! by the WorldPlay Entertainment
April 15, 1997: Adventure Online Gaming to launch mult-user games featuring avatars.
February-March, 1997: The BBC, BT and others launch The Mirror, an experiment in inhabited TV