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  Virtual Places
Grand Central Station of the Web Universe
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The World
Virtual Places is a chat space floating on top of the World Wide Web. Chat and create your own avatars while in rooms created by actual web pages.


Get It!
Download Virtual Places software from: Halsoft's VPChat homepage (http://www.vpchat.com/)
Requires Internet Explorer
Size of download: approx 6.76 Megs
Hard disk resources: approx 13 Megs
Platforms Supported: Windows ME/NT/2000/XP
Setup: Simple, self installing EXE file
Cost: Free trial period, credit card use after that.

What happens there
By far the most popular activities in Virtual Places are tours of the Web. Order up a scooter for a 2 person tour or a whole bus for a bigger group and all those avatars who jump on are taken along on a tour of the web.

Virtual Places
Touring the Web in Style

VP Image 1
Virtual Places running in America Online

VP Image 2
Starting a Web Tour

VP Image 3
Finding cool Web worlds!

Virtual Places Hot and Useful Sites

Because VP can use the whole World Wide Web as its chat space, there are many, many places you can go with VP. The following are some of the hottest spots in the VP Web cosmos.

Official VP Pages

VPchat.com homepage at http://www.vpchat.com

Voodoo Chat, an adult version of VP is at: http://www.voodoochat.com/index.php

Inner Glow, a new Web Ring for Virtual Places is at:

Ubique Home Page: the company that created Virtual Places at http://www.ubique.co.il (company was acquired by IBM).

Note: many of the links below may no longer be working, they could possibly be found by entering them into the WayBackMachine at The Internet Archive.

VP apartments and towns

Webtown@VP where you can get your own Web page apartment for VP can be found at http://www.cyberclay.com/webtown/.

Webtown News is at http://freeweb.nethead.co.uk/Devalin/Webtown/news.htm.

CyberSurfer Studios offering the VP apartments in Webtown at Restaurant City & Web Towers at http://www.restaurantcity.com/.

Avatar galleries and builders

VP maintains a listing of galleries at http://www.vplaces.com/vpnet/support/support2.html.

Anime Avatars is a great collection at http://www.cris.com/~lophy/avatars.htm.

Toriís Virtual Places Hut has quite an avatar selection at http://members.aol.com/vphostjen/index.htm.

Heinekenís Homebrewed Avatars is another great gallery at http://www.execpc.com/~heiniken/avatars.html.

Spaceport VP transporter includes avatars at http://www.csnsys.com/lundberg/trans.htm.

At nFX, Virtual Places users can use the nFX Cartoon-O-Maticô to create a personalized avatar at http://www.nfx.com/vp/vp_welcome.html.

VP Spaces

The following Web sites are beautiful backdrops just set up for a special event in VP.

Tru Realities VP Wedding Chapel is at http://trureality.com/vp-chap.htm.

Moonlit scene for romantic avatars is at http://trureality.com/vp-mnlt.htm.

Stuís Tent City has a great links page and plenty of VP chat room backdrops at http://members.aol.com/stustc/index.htm.

Anjel and Inkees Front Porch is a great scene and can be found at http://www.geocities.com/Heartland/9364/A-I.HTM.

100-Acre Chat Room is a great setting at http://www.geocities.com/Heartland/3973/100acre.html.

díAngelouís Opera house is at http://www.cyberclay.com/webtown/opera/opera.htm.

Auto Garage, the latest in automotive technology can be found at http://www.pwrtc.com/~hawk/autochat/autochat.html.

Wiz Raven's Realm at: http://www.alb.de/home/silo/

General VP pages with avatars, gestures, tours, and more

The Virtual Hangout and VPlace is a fantastic source of information and resources about VP; locate it at http://members.tripod.com/~santressv/index.html.

Talk! at Excite, a VP Powered chat site at http://talk.excite.com/.

The Amazing VP Everything Page at http://members.aol.com/avfactory/amazing.htm

A note from Santress V (Joanne Ascunsion), creator of Vplace:

The Virtual Hangout was first started in 1995 as an idea inspired by some very kewl VeePsters. It started out as a need for a place to hang outówell, an alternative place to the dreaded start page for VP anyway. The AV gallery idea was inspired by Shari who wore the wonderful Gen13 Sarah Rainmaker avatar.

(Thank you, Shari, it was you who started it all!)

I dedicate this page to all my wonderful VP friends whom I met over the years, especially the old VP crew. I remember the time when there was just a handful of us (yes! you can count ëem). May all your dreams come true, wherever you are.

See Predawnia Universe, the ultimate VP chat resource at http://www.predawnia.ORG.

Spellsingerís Place is at http://best-com.com/target.htm, and is a great help facility for VP and links to just about everything concerning VP, and avatar galleries.

Stormsingers Virtual Place also has avatars, gestures, tours, and awards and can be found at http://members.gnn.com/stormsingr/index.htm.

Links pages to other VP sites

Stuís VP Links (in Webtown) is pretty complete, and it is at http://members.aol.com/stustc/vplinks/vplinks.htm.

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© 1996-2006 Bruce Damer, All Rights Reserved.