Worlds Chat Space Station
First stop in Digital Space
Get the book!
Get It!
Download from Worlds Inc at: http://www.worlds.net
Size of download: approx 4.2 Megs
Hard disk resources: approx 4.4Megs
Platforms Supported: Windows 3.1 (runs in 95/NT)
Setup: Simple, self installing EXE file
Cost: Free, Gold CD version with more features available
What happens there
Worlds Chat citizens cannot change objects or build (which helps make the space station so fast). But you can chat and you can explore. Elevators and escalators take you around many levels and outlying pods. There are some animation and sound effects such as Trek-like sliding doors cheesy and spooky MIDI music and the escalators rumble like old department store models. Citizens communicate with text chat and can whisper secret musings to one another. You can even set up a set of friends and talk to them anywhere in the station a la walkie talkie. Citizens groups have formed, like the OPUS, an all-penguin outfit, and they hold regular gatherings in special rooms in the station. Paying gold version users get more avatar choices and access to wonderful new worlds beyond the station. Get your space legs on Worlds Chat!
Your first steps into Digital Space
Aboard Worlds Chat
In the Avatar Gallery
The wonderful garden world
Seeing ourselves in the mirror
Hi-jinks in the WorldsChat Hub
Citizens trying to jump off the station
Skyworld catwalks
Worlds Chat Hot and Useful Sites
Custom avatars: get 'em while they're hot!
Sting's Place is a pioneering Worlds Chat web site full of custom avatars and how to get them into your Worlds Chat. Sting hosts forums and oodles of helpful tips, especially for avatars who don't see eye to eye. Sting and his avatar clearing house hails from the Netherlands at: http://sting.yrams.nl
Eric Schuler's Avatars are pretty wild, find them at: http://www.preferred.com/~eschuler/wc.htm
y7alanzo's Avatars are as creative as they get, at: http://people.tais.com/~y7alanzo/
Beach Girl's Avatars show a feminine touch at: http://www.primenet.com/~roessler/Beach/av_01.htm
From the Worlds Chat community to you
WC Community Headquarters is at: http://members.tripod.com/~wcc/
Predawnia Universe, a cornucopia of resources for Worlds Chat, at: http://www.predawnia.com/
World Wide Chatter's Guild is at: http://www.geocities.com/TimesSquare/1809/
From Sweden, it is the European Worlds Chat Guild at: http://www.op.se/hall/silke/ewcg/
Odin's The WC Avatar Grade Book is at: http://www.ptw.com/~chuckr/worlds/intro.htm
Beach Girl's Worlds Chat Links, and excellent links page to the WC citizen universe can be found at: http://www.primenet.com/~roessler/Beach/WChat.htm
Avatar's World Chat Pics, see the "end of the world" which happened when the old Worlds Chat was destroyed to make way for a new version. Also see party coverage at: http://www.geocities.com/TheTropics/2467/
The Doctor, Worlds Chat Hall of Shame at: http://www.ozemail.com.au/~willp/
Worlds Chat gossip lines
WC Tribe 2 supporting a Powwow conference about Worlds Chat. You can register at: http://www.predawnia.com/tribe2/index.html
Katt's Litter Box, a little Worlds Chat scandal sheet. Interviews with famous WC citizens like Sting, CRUZIN BIKER and Jefe all at Katt's Chats: http://www.geocities.com/~katt
Tilly Tells All: Goldgossip's Home Page, where you can get all the latest gab on Worlds Chat citizenry at: http://www.geocities.com/TimesSquare/1974/
David Green's big avatar foundry, get great avatars for Worlds Chat at: http://home.earthlink.net/~gandg/index.html and pix of some of his great Chrissie avs are at http://www.geocities.com/SouthBeach/1386/Archives.html.