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Advisors to the Project
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- Murray Turoff, NJIT
- Roxanne Hiltz, NJIT
- Tom Ray ATR, Japan
Contributing experience from Tierra, a functioning networked Synthetic Ecology
- Przemislaw Prusinkiewicz
L-systems and their applications to computer graphics and to the modeling and simulation in biology
- Bruce Blumberg, MIT Media Laboratory
Ethologically inspired models of action selection and learning
Department of Computer and Information Science 19 Meadowbrook New Jersey Institute of Tech Randolph, NJ Newark, N.J. 07102 07869 (201) 596-3388 (201) 361-6680 Hiltz@EIES.NJIT.edu
- New Jersey Institute of Technology, 1973-
- Distinguished Professor, 1994-
- Professor of Computer and Information Science, Tenure 1979
- Professor of Management, Joint Appointment, 1989-
- Associate CIS Department Director for the Ph.D. in Management Program
- Member of the Faculty: Rutgers Graduate School of Management, 1982-
PRIOR POSITIONS: Systems Engineer, IBM; Research Scientists, Institute for Defense Analysis, Senior Operations Research Analyst, Office of Emergency Preparedness
ADDRESSES: NJIT, University Heights, Newark NJ, 07102; 201 596 3399;
turoff@eies.njit.edu, http://eies.njit.edu/~turoff/
- B. A. (Mathematics and Physics), 1958, University of California at Berkeley
- Ph.D. (Physics), 1965, Brandies University
Information Systems, Computer Mediated Communication Systems, Delphi Design, Policy Analysis, Planning Methodologies, Interface Design, Systems Evaluation, Technological Forecasting & Assessment, Collaborative Systems and Group Decision Support Systems, Office Automation, Management Information Systems, Social Impacts of Computer & Information Systems, and Management of Computer
and Information Systems
Pioneer Award 1994 by Electronic Frontiers Foundation; Award for Creativity, Electronic Network Association, 1990; Nominated for Marconi Fellowship Award, 1989; Recipient of the Harlan J. Perlis award for Outstanding Research, 1983; TSM Award of the Association of American Publishers for the Best Technical Publication of 1978; ACM National Lecturer; IEEE National Lecturer; Reviewer of NSF, HEW and NIH Proposals; Reviewer of submissions for publication in journals for ACM, TIMS, IEEE, ASIS and SGSR
American Society for Information Science (ASIS), Association for Computing Machinery (ACM). Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers (IEEE), The Institute of Management Sciences (TIMS)
Principal Investigator: 12 Grants (1974-1990); CoPrincipal Investigator: 5 Grants (1976-1996); Co-Investigator: 5 Grants (1980-1997). Funding Sources: NSF, US Army, DCA, Annenberg/CPB, Sloan Foundation, IBM, NJ State.
CURRENT Ph.D. GRADUATE STUDENT (at work on thesis): Jeffery Hsu, V. Balasubramanian
COMPLETED Ph.D. STUDENTS: Usha Rao, William Wordell, Youngjim Kim, have been part of over 25 Ph.D. thesis committees.
COLLABORATORS: Names other than above named students: Linda Harasim, Roxanne Hiltz, Lucio Teles, Jerry Fjermestad, Rosalie Ocker, Kenneth Johnson, Ajaz Rana, Enrico Hsu, Donna Dufner, Steve Benford, Jacob Palm
Publications (10 out of 200):
Hsu, Jeffrey, & Turoff, M., A Markup Approach to Surveys and Questionnaires, Journal of End User Computing, 8(4), 1996, 20-27.
Rao, G. R., Suresh, B. A. and Turoff, M., A Group Decision Support System Framework for Medical Decision Making Incorporating Cognitive-Aid Structures and Cognitive Appropriation, Proceedings of the 29th Annual Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences, Vol. IV, Los Alamitos, CA: IEEE Computer Society Press, 1996.
Rana, Ajaz R., Turoff, Murray, & Hiltz, S. R., Task and Technology Interaction (TTI): A Theory of Technological support for Group Tasks, Proceedings of the 29th Annual Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences, Vol. IV, Los Alamitos, CA: IEEE Computer Society Press, 1996.
Turoff, Murray and S. R. Hiltz, (1995), Computer Based Delphi Processes, in Michael Adler and Erio Ziglio, editors., Gazing Into the Oracle: The Delphi Method and Its Application to Social Policy and Public Health, London, Kingsley Publishers, pp. 56-88.
Turoff, Murray, & Starr Roxanne Hiltz, (1995) Software Design and the Future of the Virtual Classroom, Journal of Information Technology for Teacher Education, Volume 4, Number 2, 1995, 197-215.
Balasubramanian, V. and Turoff, M. (1995) A Systematic Approach to User Interface, Design for Hypertext Systems, Proceedings of the 28th Annual Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences, Los Alamitos, CA: IEEE Computer Society Press, Volume III, 241-250.
Rao, G.R., Suresh, B. A., Turoff, M. and Hiltz, S. R., (1994) Issues in the Development of a Computer Mediated Communication System Framework for Collaborative Medical Decision Making. Proceedings of the 16th IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society, Maryland, November 3-6, Vol. 16, pp. 1354-1344
Turoff, Murray, (1993), Computer Mediated Communication Requirements for Group Support, in Readings in Groupware and Computer Supported Cooperative Work, edited by Ron Baecker, Morgan Kaufmann Publishers.
Benford, Steve, Palme, Jacob, & Turoff, Murray (1993), An ISO standard to support asynchronous group communications, Journal of Computer Interfaces and Standards, Vol. 14, pp. 363-373.
Turoff, Murray, Rao, Usha, & Hiltz, S. R., (1991) Collaborative Hypertext in Computer Mediated Communications, Proceeding of the Hawaii International Conference on Systems Science, Volume 4, January, IEEE Computer Society, 357-366.
Department of Computer and Information Science 19 Meadowbrook New Jersey Institute of Tech Randolph, NJ Newark, N.J. 07102 07869 (201) 596-3388 (201) 361-6680 Hiltz@EIES.NJIT.edu
Distinguished Professor, 1993--; Professor, 1985- 1993, Department of Computer and Information Science, New Jersey Institute of Technology
Faculty member, Ph.D. in Management Program, Rutgers University (1988--)
Director, Collaborative Systems Laboratory, NJIT, 1992--
Previous position: Assistant Prof. to Professor, Sociology and Anthropology, Upsala College, East Orange NJ 1969-1985
- Ph. D. in Sociology, Columbia University, June 1969
- M. A. in Sociology, Columbia University, June 1964
- A. B., Vassar College, June 1963, magna cum laude, Phi Beta Kappa
NSF Faculty Fellowship in Science, academic year 1976 - 77; postdoctoral work at Princeton U. and the Institute for Advanced Study
Principal Investigator for many grants and contracts, including:
"Tools for the Enhancement and Evaluation of a Virtual Classroom," 1985-1989. Funding was provided in the amount of $700,000 from Annenberg/Corporation for Public Broadcasting; $115,000 from the state of New Jersey, with IBM as the industrial partner, internal NJIT contributions, and cooperating vendors.
Five recent publications related to the project:
Rana, A.R., Turoff, M. and Hiltz, S.R., "Task and Technology Interaction (TTI): A Theory of Technological Support for Group Tasks. Proceedings, Hawaii International Conference on Systems Sciences, Jan. 1997.
Ocker, R., Fjermestad, J., Hiltz, S.R. and Turoff, M. An exploratory comparison of four modes of communication for determining requirements: Results on creativity, quality and satisfaction," Proceedings, HICSS 97 (in press).
Ocker, R., Hiltz, S.R., Turoff, M. and Fjermestad, J., "The effects of distributed group support and process structuring on software requirements development teams: Results on creativity and quality," Journal of Management Information Systems, 12,3 (Winter 1995-1996), 127-153.
Dufner, D., Hiltz, S.R., Johnson, K., and Czech, R., Distributed group support: the effects of voting tools on group perceptions of media richness. Group Decision and Negotiation, Special issue on Distributed Communication Systems, May 1995 (Vol. 4, No. 3, pp. 235-250).
Turoff, M., S. R. Hiltz, A. N. F. Bahgat, and Ajaz Rana. Distributed Group Support Systems, MIS Quarterly; December 1993.
Five other publications
Harasim, L., Hiltz, S.R., Teles, L. and Turoff, M. Learning Networks: A Field Guide to Teaching and Learning Online. Cambridge, MA: %09MIT Press, 1995.
Hiltz, S.R. The Virtual Classroom: Learning Without Limits Via Computer Networks. %09Norwood, NJ: Ablex Publishing Corp., Human-Computer Interaction
Series, 1994.
Starr Roxanne Hiltz and Murray Turoff, The Network Nation: Human Communication Via Computer, Revised Edition. Cambridge MA: MIT Press, 1993.
Hiltz, S.R. and Turoff, M. Virtual Meetings: Computer Conferencing and Distributed Group Support, in R. Bostrum, S. Kinney, and R. Watson, eds., Computer Augmented Teamwork. Van Nostrand, 1992, pp 67-85.
Hiltz, S.R. and Johnson, K., User satisfaction with computer-mediated communication systems. Management Science, 36, 6 (June 1990), 739-764.
Other Collaborators during last 48 months:
NJIT: James Whitescarver, J. Wooster, William Worrell, Enrico Hsu Other US: Robert Czech, Cameron Ford, Ronald Rice, Scott Poole, Michael Holmes International: Linda Harasim, Charles Newton, Lucio Teles, Barry Wellman, Martin Lea
Graduate students, last five years: Post Doctoral- Liu Lu (China) Ph.D. advisees: Jerry Fjermestad, Donna Dufner, Ajaz Rana, Rosalie Ocker, Youngjin Kim, Enrico Hsu, Cesar Perez, Raquel Benbunan (primary advisor)-Total= 8 as primary advisor; on another 12 or so committees)
Graduate and Postdoctoral advisors: Suzanne Keller (Princeton), Terrence Hopkins, Paul Lazarsfeld, Robert Merton, David Caplowitz and Ivar Berg (Columbia)
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