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The Animals of Ancient Oaks Farm

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  • The Animals of Ancient Oaks
    Mainly Three (now Two) Black Cats and Three Black Pigs (and other animals)

    The Pigs!

    The pigs of Ancient Oaks

    Three Black Cats

    Min (departed June 1, 2007)



    Kittens together!

    All together

    Old Man Cat ("Blackie"), oldest resident of Ancient Oaks, left by the Kriz family, passed: around Christmas Day 1999

    Horses at Ancient Oaks

    Horses! Rachel's Charm at Ancient Oaks (taken March 2003)

    Other animals

    Big Red the chicken
    was for a time here at Ancient Oaks (summer 1999)

    More Wild Animals of Ancient Oaks

    Ancient Oaks used to be and still is a bit of a working farm. The property had a large chicken operation as well as apple orchards and livestock over its past hundred years of history. The Kriz family raised cows, pigs, peacocks, horses, birds and other animals since the 1960s. Today Ancient Oak's wilder animals include:

    Peacocks invade Ancient Oaks Farm!
    (Winter 2008)



    Wild Turkeys

    3 or more Deer (a whole family actually, living in the wooded section of the property)
    Occaisionaly visiting Peacocks
    Rarely (around thanksgiving) some Wild Turkeys
    Plenty of Squirrels
    Many Racoons
    Fewer strange sounding Opossums
    2 rare Redheaded Woodpeckers
    Many Blue Jays, Hawks and other birds
    Bats living in the farm and various other buildings
    Quail Families
    Too Many Gophers and Moles
    A King Snake (seen only twice)
    Gopher Snakes (never seen but presumed)
    A zillion Lizards
    Stray Dogs
    Neighbor's Cats and wild Bob Cats
    Mountain Lions
    and Coyotes

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    (cc) 1996- Bruce Damer... want to use something from this site? See rights granted under my Creative Commons license and contact me.