Bruce Damer at the Santa Cruz Future Salon On Friday November 17, 2006, Bruce Damer presented a talk "Will bona fide life evolve from within human technology (and what are the consequences of this happening)?" at Borders Books in Santa Cruz, California. Bruce is founder of, curator of DigiBarn Computer Museum, and CEO of DigitalSpace Corporation. This talk was introduced by Miguel Aznar and presented as a part of of the Santa Cruz Future Salon series. Find the SC Futurists site at:: We invite you to listen to the audio of this talk and view the slides, photos and poster art below. Thanks go to Miguel Aznar for organizing the Salon and this event, and to John Smart for introducing me to the organization, Jeff Jones for printing and distributing the posters and Al Lundell and Sun Macnamee for recording the video (to be posted).
Photos from the presentation | ||||||||
Links to resources mentioned in the talk:, the Digital Biology Project (with podcasts) Darwin@Home and NobleApe (new A-Life systems) DigitalSpace Commons (NASA Simulations) The Digibarn Computer Museum (includes History Channel segment) | ||||||||
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