Galen Gallery
On June 18, 1999, Galen Brandt moved to the "farm"
here at Ancient Oaks
This page is devoted to our celebration of our new lives together!
Also see Galen's Homepage to
explore more of her work
Galen is here! | Galen and Min, movin in with 39 boxes |
Galen by the stage where she will be performing many a warm summer night | Galen in the Grapes, sun loving and now convinced (temporarily) that California has it |
Galen and Min on patrol | Galen and her special place in the sun |
Galen with the new kittens, day one | Galen and her guy Bruce at the recent wedding of Marni and Eric |
Galen and vacationing family, visiting DigiGarden @ Ancient Oaks in July 1999 |
New tomatoes from the greenhouse as picked by Alexander and James, July 1999 |
Click here to contact Bruce or send comments on this website.
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(cc) 1996- Bruce Damer... want to use something from this site? See rights granted under my Creative Commons license and contact me.