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Various projects I have been involved with or created...

DigiBarn Computer Musuem

New exhibits and project
and media coverage
for 2006!

All the latest
from Ancient Oaks Farm

animals, plants and more!

Cyberwearz Garment Design
Also see Bruce's
speaking schedule for this year
CV, projects, media coverage,
writings and interviews.

Work with DigitalSpace to design
the future of space exploration

Darwin@Home project launched
by (January 2005)

The new NoFurthur
Bus Studio project!
Bruce Home Site Links
DigitalSpace | Consortium | | Avatars | Bruce

Americans in Prague:
a Personal Diary of life in Prague

I created & moderate the Gnostic Way at

Bruce Damer and Finn McKenna hosted an online AllChemical Gathering in a virtual world in cyberspace for Terence McKenna
(Feb 25, 1999)

Pierre Sogol's 1967 film about
the hippie lifestyle in California

Click here to contact Bruce or send comments on this website.

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(cc) 1996- Bruce Damer... want to use something from this site? See rights granted under my Creative Commons license and contact me.