Various projects I have been involved with or created...
DigiBarn Computer Musuem New exhibits and project and media coverage for 2006! |
All the latest from Ancient Oaks Farm animals, plants and more! |
Cyberwearz Garment Design |
Also see Bruce's speaking schedule for this year and CV, projects, media coverage, writings and interviews. |
Work with DigitalSpace to design the future of space exploration |
Darwin@Home project launched by (January 2005) |
The new NoFurthur Bus Studio project! |
DigitalSpace | Consortium | | Avatars | Bruce |
Americans in Prague: a Personal Diary of life in Prague 1990-1996 |
I created & moderate the Gnostic Way at |
Pierre Sogol's 1967 film about the hippie lifestyle in California |
Click here to contact Bruce or send comments on this website.
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(cc) 1996-
Bruce Damer... want to use something from this site? See rights granted under my Creative Commons license and contact me.