voice - Podcast
Tubcast #1, Bruce & Al [June 17, 2010]
In this innaugural "tubcast" recorded from Al Lundell's hot tub on Future Peak in the Santa Cruz Mountains Bruce puts forward his theory of what would happen if when the aliens arrive in orbit and want to sell us ads and assimilate humanity into Galactic Search.
Featured in this Podcast:
Al Lundell
Bruce Damer
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Tubcast #2, Bruce & Al [June 17, 2010]
Big Al and Bruce talk about the true genius of Steve Jobs (is Steve Jobs an alien?) and the history of the Mac. The guys then wax poetic about missing (at least in the $$ sense) all of the revolutions in tech of the past 30 years!
Featured in this Podcast:
Al Lundell
Bruce Damer
Please do not deep link this audio - its location may change. Use this link.
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Hear Bruce on the Psychedelic Salon podcast here.
Hear Bruce on the Biota Poscast here.
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(cc) 1996-
Bruce Damer... want to use something from this site? See rights granted under my Creative Commons license and contact me.