DigitalSpace Presents

DriveOnMars Movies
A selection of Movies from Drive On Mars

Special Feature Movie
Three Sols (Martian Days) in the life of the Virtual Mars Exploration Rover
Long version (7mins)
Press play above or play at Google Video
Short version (5mins)
Press play above or play at Google Video
Other Brief Movies

DivX 5 is required to see the below Quicktime movies
you can download it here and the QT movie will prompt for an additional MPEG-4 installation.

Egress at Meridiani
Egress at Gusev
5.5 MB
7.5 MB
7.9 MB
10.6 MB
Quicktime and AVI movies of the rover
traversing the Meridiani Landing Site
Quicktime and AVI movies of the rover
traversing the Gusev Landing Site
Mer Drives
A Day in the Life of
Mars Exploration Rover

11.6 MB
10.0 MB
26.7 MB
22.1 MB
Quicktime and AVI movies of MER drivetrain
navigating an obstacle
Quicktime and AVI movies of the Rover Driving by Day, Evening, Night, and Dawn
MER Explores a Target
Deploy the RAT Arm
24.6 MB
18.9 MB
817 KB
629 KB
Quicktime and AVI movies of the Rover exploring
a target
Quicktime and AVI movies of the Rover
deploying its RAT Arm
Drive On Mars with Opportunity
Drive On Mars with Spirit
11.7 MB
3.3 MB
3.6 MB
3.6 MB
Quicktime and AVI movies of the Rover exploring
a target
Quicktime and AVI movies of the Rover
deploying its RAT Arm

Drive On Mars with Spirit

3.1 MB
2.1 MB

Quicktime and AVI movies of the Rover exploring
a target

Drive On Mars from 2002

7.3 MB
5.5 MB
3.7 MB
2.7 MB
Quicktime and AVI movies of the rover
traversing gentle terrain
Quicktime and AVI movies of the rover
traversing hilly terrain

Images from DriveOnMars

Related Project Sites

Landing at Gusev Crater in the "MojoMars" Quicktime Movie
Mars Terrain Modeling "MojoWorld" supplying MOLA 128 data and texture maps
from orbital data to generate rough landscapes for the MER rover worlds above
(produced by Ken Heidenreich using Pandromeda's MojoWorld software)

Play the Mojo Mars movie on Google Video!

See Also: explanatory slides of the Mojo Mars Project