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    Other Commons Organizations

    The Digital Space Commons
    is the first real-world instantiation of the Intercommons model for a nonstock membership corporation. The Digital Space Commons is a reorganization of DigitalSpace Corporation, a privately held California C-Corporation established in 1995 and financially successful in the fields of 3D virtual worlds, communication and collaboration tools

    The Creative Commons
    is an intellectual property conservancy founded to enrich and cultivate the public domain and to facilitate sharing of artistic, literary, scientific, and other intellectual works with the public on generous terms. Creative Commons is a non-profit corporation led by Directors Hal Abelson (Massachusetts Institute of Technology), James Boyle (Duke Law School), Michael Carroll (Villanova Law School), Eric Eldred (Eldritch Press), Lawrence Lessig (Stanford Law School), and Eric Saltzman (Harvard Law School).

    On May 16, 2002, the Creative Commons site was launched and DigitalSpace entered into a memoranum of understanding with the Creative Commons formalizing our collaboration over the last twelve months. DigitalSpace will continue to work with the Creative Commons providing advice regarding intellectual property issues from the perspective of a software developer. We hope to engage with Creative Commons and others on the further development of the Intercommons.

    Creative Commons Related links:

    The Chaordic Commons is a global network of individuals and organizations committed to pioneering new ways to organize, based on the discovery and expression of deep common purposes and essential principles of right relationship.

    Center for the Public Domain, an initiative set up by Bob Young of RedHat, is a philanthropic foundation based in Durham, North Carolina. The Center is dedicated to addressing the diverse challenges surrounding the preservation of a large and robust public domain. Through grant making, original research, conferences, and collaborative programs, the Center seeks to call attention to the importance of the public domain and spur effective, practical solutions and responses. Its work is animated by the conviction that new legal regimes, social institutions and transparent technologies must be created to fortify the information commons. See their excellent links on the concepts of the commons, intellectual property, copyright and patents.

    Friendly Favors is a Web based community providing support for each other's projects by sharing our know-how, connections and resources.

    The OpenPrivacy initiative is an Open Source collection of software frameworks, protocols and services providing a cryptographically secure and distributed platform for creating, maintaining, and selectively sharing user profile information.

    The members of the Identity Commons are builders and users of an electronic network where all individuals and organizations agree to give each other control over our information, identity, and relationships consistent with healthy communities.

    The Venture Collective is a grassroots, tax-exempt, donor-guided investment fund, providing working capital for inventing positive futures.

    The Berkana Institute is a 501-c3 charitable scientific, educational, and research foundation. Since 1992, Berkana has worked with people around the world to discover new organizational forms, processes, and leadership based on an in-depth understanding of how life organizes in ways that are interdependent, generous and self-organizing.

    The Planetwork Consortium is a new initiative, bringing together information technology professionals with civil society to create a network of individuals, organizations and businesses who endorse the Earth Charter, and the ecological sustainability and social justice values it represents.

    The Software Conservancy is a nonprofit organization incorporated under the laws of the State of California. Its primary role is to serve as an independent, neutral organization to hold copyright to open source or free software source code and to fulfill related functions with respect to public software development projects creating such code. The Conservancy was originally created by Collabnet.

    The Contact Consortium is a 501c(3) forum and research and development for virtual communities and visual virtual worlds on the Internet. Founded in 1995, the Contact Consortium and its members have pioneered some of the leading edge applications of avatars and shared cyberspaces in social organization, learning, science and personal expression.

    Other Complimentary Efforts

    The Electronic Frontier Foundation, home to the defenders of cyberspace liberty and rights of all kinds.

    Jim Fournier's vision of Emergent Global Community Inter-Networking and Link Tank Statement of Purpose.

    For a great deal of thought provoking stuff, see Brad Templeton's pages on everything Internet including the origin of the "dot com" and realities of copyright. Brad is Chairman of the Board of the EFF). See his concepts for Microrefunds and the "Don't Pay" button which proposes a system which in Brad's words is designed "to merge the 'everything is free' model that Napster temporarily promoted with a system that rewards creators, but doesn't need a flat-fee subscription and thus can be used universally".

    The Intellectual Property Society provides a forum and opportunities to enrich public discourse concerning the relationships and dynamics among intellectual property rights and emerging and deployed technologies. The IP society has excellent links to IP resources and regular meetings in the Bay Area of Northern California.

    Code for Corporate Responsibility (C4CR)

    Thought Leaders Inspiring to the Intercommons

    Books on this Topic

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