Introducing Meet3D/Java Edition 1.0
Click here for the userguide, or just dive in by selecting from the worlds below.
No plugin is needed, it just works with any Java enabled browser. (note that Netscape on the Mac is not supported yet but Mac IE is supported)Rendered with Shout3D
Rendered by Anfy3D Click here for the userguide
The "Storefront" world
The DS Team Room
Javascript Controls Navigation Version
Javascript Test Bed Version Build 027 Test Worlds (directory listing)Build 031 Test Worlds (These are Meet2D chat only, but will be added to all Meet3D worlds: directory listing) Also try out our Meet2D advanced Java Text chat and conferencing We would like to express thanks to the DigitalSpace Meet3D Team and our developer community:
Many fine Meet3D worlds
authored by DM3D StudiosServed by.. VNet Proud Supporter of Open Source Virtual Worlds