A NoFurthur Art Bus Studio Project
Design ideas & materials for a
Rennaissance CyberDoublet
November 2004-New Year 2005

Futuristic (cyber) Doublet design (yet to be created)

November 2004 design sketches
November 2004 design sketches

Concept to use peplum for iPod
phone and other gadgets came
a week or so later

Design concepts with Daria Dorosh

Materials purchased in
Garment district,
New York City

Channel design of CyberDoublet (January 2005)

This project is inspired by a number of sources:
Professor Daria Dorosh of SUNY FIT in New York CIty.
The Renaissance, the Shakespeareans, and times when people really knew how to garb.
The strange emergent fashions of the Burning Man Festival
The design sense of Apple and the iPod
The amazing work of Issey Miyake

Making the Original Renaissance Doublet

(basis for the CyberDoublet)

Contact me if you want to get on the bus!

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