NOTE: Tim Murray's talk was presented in the AV98 EduPod using WebLinks to the Web pages of several artists included in his traveling exhibit, Contact Zones. Volunteer Peggy Andersen did her best to transcribe the content of his talk. The following chat log includes online discussions during the presentation. "Andersen" is the transcriber.

queenbee: and now on to..

queenbee: Tim Murray

queenbee: thank you Murray

"Jeanne": clap clap

queenbee: for your input

queenbee: have a wonderful ballet

virtualmike: thanks for showing...must leave myself...

"Murray Turoff": see you all again sometime!

Andersen: Tim Murray:

Andersen: I am Tim Murray.

Andersen: Present a little different perspective.

queenbee: Tim Murray, Director Society for the Humanities, Cornell and his perspective on Virtual realit

Andersen: I come to you having spent the laast year as director of society of humanities.

Andersen: Common theme of virtual old and new.

Andersen: Common characteristics of discourse of virtuality prevalent in cyberzones.

Andersen: Tends to stress how virtual world orders, new world orders

Andersen: Tends to be exceptional hopeful and utopic and discourse.

queenbee: you should be able to hear Tim's audio

Andersen: Frees itself from cultural discourse

Andersen: Try to exemplify a couple of excamples. Rapidly developing artwork

queenbee: ok tim has all these web links in the lower right

queenbee: these are his lecture notes

Andersen: Travellling international exhibition. Will be travelling throughout the year. Entire


Andersen: catalog on conference site.

queenbee: is the main site

Andersen: The artists in this show tend to be interested in develop dig tech not only for the activation but how virtual

queenbee: feel free to clck on the weblinks

Andersen: reality can put

Andersen: This relationship to history that I want to talk to you

Andersen: open zones of contact with history

Andersen: my way of doing is less through avatars than through

Andersen: the recycling of historical

Andersen: show a few websites , a couple

Andersen: and a couple by others.

Andersen: Weblinks: For those of you have avatars, they are in the way. I want to show the virtual world

Andersen: Arlene Stamp, Modern Woman, from canada

Andersen: adrian wortzel, from ny

Andersen: keith pipe, relocating the remains

Andersen: to show you that jodi is doing is presenting you with avatars from different times

Andersen: fantasy, fantasms, electronic pulses,

Andersen: indistinct, pull in by working in the differences

Andersen: central in center of webpage

Andersen: inside of virtualroom what you might imagine is a

Andersen: virtual room protected in the city when you get there if you get there

Andersen: when you get there in the room in the left hand corner of your monitor


Andersen: you see an avatar, power, language, ruins, beauty, in the cave you seea

Andersen: blank screen of our memeory in a situation in flight and transition.

Andersen: if you go to the other sites, then you see you think you see a tech explaining


Andersen: the work , hyperrlinks what you get is a return to avatar city.

Andersen: different concept or inbetween analogical place in the new

Andersen: world order

Andersen: pipers relocating the remains, website of project which opened

Andersen: in l997 in royal college

Andersen: cd rom same name. When you enter the virtual palm of virtual hand

Andersen: when it comes up, three expeditions or notes on a theme, the show

Andersen: provides you with not necessarily with a projection into the future,

Andersen: the exhumation of a body, unrecorded history, unclassificied presence.

Andersen: college of hyperspace

Andersen: another interspacial which is interesting in relation to

Andersen: what we've had today, virtual architecturlal zones, israeli artist which is here gaza checkpoint .

Andersen: In the wake of the israeli elections, pull away, quick changeaway. When we go to checkpoint from a woman's point of view, interesting

queenbee: how about doing a gaza checkpoint world..

Andersen: evidence, the gender perspective, between sharing and grabbing, feminist point of view what we receive

Andersen: is a digital pair and stripped identity. Narrative of palestinaian checkpoint,

Andersen: manual daily work at the checkpoint to become real workers. The

Andersen: is imperaled political hope

Andersen: Must walk through 400 meter corridor

Andersen: already daylight, at that point buses are waiting for transporation to

Andersen: various checkpoints, come back at night after work

Andersen: imperaled virtual reality order of differentiation and difference

queenbee: wow, folks, how about experiencing a gaza checkpoint in-world?

Andersen: when you go back to possessions

Andersen: they can carry any discarded item in isreal

Andersen: bring them back to our own spaces, terror and conquest, to supplement

Andersen: the average pay for a day's work, whatever garbage and discarded

Andersen: materials they can find, not so they can have comfrt, so that they can discard in a

Andersen: discarded virtual economuy,

Andersen: stripped is a condition of tear, tear is commonly conceived of as a political

Andersen: act, carried out by groups who operate illegally with power and engage violent acts against innocent

Andersen: civilians, storng over weak.

Andersen: Terror is also a receiprical activity that is perpetrated by

Andersen: powers. Digital for her state terror as an instrument of survellience, construction

Andersen: and deconstruction as a condition of identify. For and against bearer of digital identiy

Andersen: interest itself, temporary virtual facility pass through every evening hoping to get

Andersen: through to the other side, put up and taken down as transient virtual location. These virtual checkpoints are overseen by

Andersen: a different kind of avatar like survellience by israeli checking the flow through checkpoint

Andersen: conclude by clicking on the text of virtual terror, terror is commonly conceived as an act by groups which operate illegally

Andersen: economic and political powers, digital and threat of terror shapes people's conscience and unconscience

Andersen: this raises numerous question, digital terror and art what is the relationship the production of art by means of digital

Andersen: terror by the same and do keepers of virtual world

Andersen: digital media with its perturbing qualities as a means

Andersen: do artists who experience terror actually react differently

queenbee: a question

vlearn25: Bruce, are there worlds that have emerged from troubled worlds?

vlearn25: from confereence on identities in cyberspace. a man wanted to create a wordl coming from jails in Brazil

vlearn25: Bruce and friends buitl one based on Amnesty Intl Museum in geneva

vlearn25: world with images of prisoners that collapsed in overtime. People were very uncomfortable in it

Andersen: concept of troubled world shouldn't isolate itself geographical from virtual world

Andersen: same technology of vr to bomb unmercifully an entire population in yugoslavia. The hope that I see educationally

Andersen: particularly for college age students, if we teach them about the promise

Andersen: teach at same time the history of technology

Andersen: it is grounded in the military and invasive use

Andersen: have to continue to reflect and encourage students to resist

Andersen: avatar virtual world, catholic and protestic students together virtually

Andersen: for security reasons interesting project.

vlearn25: another example world in ireland to bring toggether catholic and protestant children in neutral historic space

queenbee: questions from the world?

digigardener: clap
