In any social interactions that are sustained over time, norms become established and are maintained formally or informally by interactants. These norms can emerge implicitly and organically through continued engagement, can be imposed by dominating or authoritative figures, or can be consciously, explicitly articulated and negotiated by participants. Because of the significant role of social dynamics in shaping the quality of learning experiences, explicit, open discussion and negotiation, even facilitation, of group norms should occur in AW educational contexts. The world already establishes expectations for individual and group behavior through the notions of "membership" and "citizenship" in the world, and through the expectations of rights and obligations that accrue to those roles. These inclusive metaphors can provide a framework for further negotiating the following features of interaction to meet the demands of particular settings:
It might be particularly useful to raise critical awareness of and reflection on how the display of gender or other identities through avatars influences how participants interact; what impact pseudonymity (the assumption of alternative identities) might have on interactions and levels of trust; how differently designed spaces influence interactions; how norms are enforced and deviant actions dealt with in different types of communities and activities.