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NO ORDINARY ERIC We’re here in state to celebrate – O happiest of groups! – A boy not shy, born in July, From a town they call Kamloops
Who’s made it clear each passing year This tot is not generic – Yes, history’s made sure that he’s No ordinary Eric!
He, eating sand, could understand The trials of Bilbo Baggins, And great his fame in every game Of Dungeons and of Dragons.
A boy who as a Venturer Scout Would always keep his promish -- And still, when going walkabout, Sprints handily up Squamish.
As thespian, no Idiot – His talents knew no border. Played Pan and Point with willing wit, While practicing recorder.
And certainly this Cyrano Seduced each schoolgirl wench By playing on the piano And a horn that’s oh so French.
Scoring with a soccer ball More times than you could count it! Who never knew a rock so tall Or icy he’d not mount it!
As Nigel Penster with his friends He’d fan in fits hysteric. Such comedies make plain that he’s No ordinary Eric.
So manly on his motorbike – And would he ever speed? No! He’d fence! Canoe! Go camping! Hike! While mastering akido!
Renowned in town for up and down And e’en cross-country skiing -- He’s no one’s fool, this Intellectool, Extraordinary being!
And high and low did Eric go When traveling – just ask us. Why, everywhere from Trafalgar Square To Canjam’s Kananaskis.
And making sense in every tense Of consonants and vowels, He’s quite at ease while sipping teas With various Baden Powells.
And smelting parts while melting hearts Amidst a blaze of sparks, Add to the list a naturalist Explaining slugs in parks!
Revered for soups from Van to Loops, This oh so friendly smithy Did jump through school and social hoops With words both apt and pithy.
Tackling subjects most arcane And frankly unendearing, He manages to entertain With tales of engineering. Abandoning mundanity, He suddenly surprises And fixates on humanity That’s winning Nobel Prizes.
And even when he turns his pen To higher education, He’s sure to please his fans for he’s Eschewing obfuscation.
Avowed vegetarian – Articulate, artistic – A faddish epicurean – A tad anachronistic –
When lovely Laurie learned his story, All at once she knew she Could not dismiss his smile, his kiss, His dal, his fudge, his sushi…
And just this week, he of whom we speak (Now living in a tent), he Awoke indeed to find that he’d Turned twenty years plus twenty!
So we unload This well-earned ode And hope you’re not choleric – For history’s Made clear that he’s No ordinary Eric! No mysteries – Just lists like these! Advanced degrees In specialties! His history’s All victories! Sincerely he’s -- Most clearly he’s -- No ordinary Eric! |
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